
Mistar Afal Hapus yn nhŵr y cathod.
“Dwyt ti ddim yn mynd i ffeindio dim Dreamies yno.”

Afal anfad yw Mistar Afal Hapus. Mae e’n esgus bod yn hapus, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae e eisiau i bawb arall fod yn anhapus iawn iawn.

Mae Mistar Afal Hapus wedi meddiannu ystafell uwch tŵr y cathod. Mae e’n syllu allan o’r tŵr â’i wên echrydus, a dymuno niweidion mawr ar bawb.

Mae Daf y gath yn dod i archwilio.

– Beth wyt ti’n wneud? meddai Daf, yn gywrain.
– Dw i’n meddiannu eich tiriogaeth, meddai Mistar Afal Hapus, â chwerthiniad brawychus. – Fy nhiriogaeth i yw e nawr.

– Paid bod mor ddi-chwaeth, meddai Daf. – Dwyt ti ddim yn mynd i ffeindio dim Dreamies yno, beth bynnag.

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Saesneg / English


Mistar Afal Hapus yn nhŵr y cathod.
“You’re not going to find any Dreamies in there.”

Mr. Happy Apple is an evil apple. He pretends to be happy, but really, he wants everyone else to be very, very unhappy.

Mr. Happy Apple has occupied the upper room of the cats’ tower. He gazes out of the tower with his horrid smile, wishing everyone great harm.

Dave the cat comes to investigate.

– What are you doing? says Dave, curiously.
– I am occupying your territory, says Mr. Happy Apple, with a frightful laugh. – It’s my territory now.

– Don’t be so tasteless, says Dave. – You’re not going to find any Dreamies there, anyway.


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