Y Gystadleuaeth Lenyddol
gan Siarc (Hanner)
We fi tu fas ar y pryd. Jyglo yn yr ardd. Pan nath y daflen gyrredd. O taflen fach, meddylies i, be ti neud fan hyn? We fi methu darllen hi, ‘thgwrs. Nid achos fi’n siarc. Nid achos fi di cal n haneru. Achos bo fi’n jyglo. Rhaid i fi jyglo. Obsesiwn ond ife?
Nath Daf dweud byddai rhaid i ni gyd sgwennu rhywbeth er mwyn ennill yr arian. Ond sdim amser da fi gyda’r holl jyglo. Felly Daf nath sgwennu hwna.
Addroddwr annibynadwy dwi.
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Y Gystadleuaeth Lenyddol
gan y Siarc (Hanner)
I was outside at the time. Juggling in the garden. When the leaflet arrived. O little leaflet, I thought, what’re you doing here? Couldn’t read it, ‘course. Not because I’m a shark. Not because I’ve been halved. Because I was juggling. I have to juggle. Obsession, isn’t it?
Dave said we would all have to write something in order to win the money. But I don’t have time with all the juggling. So Dave wrote this.
I am an unreliable narrator.