Cwstard llaeth llenyddol – rysáit
- powdr cwstard – twb
- llaeth cyfan – litr
- llaeth cywasgedig trwchus – tun
- hanner copi o War & Peace
Arllwyswch y llaeth cyfan a’r llaeth cywasgedig i mewn i sosban, yn oer. Ychwanegwch y powdr cwstard, a’i droi. Berwi’r cyfan, ac wrth i’r cymysgedd dewychu, ychwanegwch yr hanner copi o War & Peace fesul tudalen. Taflwch y sosban a’i chynhwysion dros y ffens agosach.
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Literary milk custard – recipe
- custard powder – a tub
- whole milk – a litre
- thick condensed milk – a tin
- half a copy of War & Peace
Pour the whole milk and the condensed milk into a saucepan, cold. Add the custard powder, and stir. Boil the lot, and as the mixture thickens, add the half copy of War & Peace page by page. Throw the saucepan and its contents over the nearest fence.