October 16, 2024

“Synnwyd y panel gan y cais hwn. Amlwg yw e bod yr awdur yn siarad ffurf ofnadwy o fratiaith, ac amlwg yw e hefyd dos dim llawer yn ymlaen yn ei ben ef. Yn lle ysgrifennu stori, mae’r awdur hwn wedi creu rhyw fath o gri am help.

Nid oeddem yn hollol sicr pwy ydy’r Daf y gath hwn, ond mae e’n swnio’n greulon iawn.”

Saesneg / English

The Panel’s Review of Dragon’s Entry

“The panel were surprised by this entry. It is obvious that the author speaks a terrible form of slang, and it is also obvious that there is not a lot going on in his head. Instead of writing a story, this author has created some sort of cry for help.

We were not completely certain who this Dave the cat is, but he sounds very cruel.”



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