Mae Daf y gath wedi bod yn siarad gyda’r Frenhines Branwen. Mae hi wedi gweld hysbyseb Daf, a felly mae hi eisiau gwahodd Dewi Sant i fynd ar fordaith rhamantus Dydd Santes Dwynwen gyda hi, tamaid bach yn gynnar.
– Na, paid, meddai Jeff y gath iddi hi. – Dwyt ti ddim yn gwybod beth wyt ti’n gwneud.
– Bydd y fordaith yn hyfryd, meddai’r Frenhines. – Dw i’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr iawn ati hi.
Mae hi’n mynd â Dewi Sant i lawr i lannau’r afon, lle mae Daf y gath yn aros amdanyn nhw gyda’r bwced.
– Pum punt bydd y fordaith hon… diolch yn fawr… nawr dringwch i mewn i’r bwced ‘ma, meddai Daf.
Yn syth ar ôl iddyn nhw ddringo i mewn, mae hi’n eu taflu nhw i mewn i’r afon.
– Help! Alla i ddim nofio! meddai’r Frenhines.
– Bydd gwersi nofio’n costio pum punt arall yn ychwanegol, meddai Daf.
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English / Saesneg
Dave the cat has been talking to Queen Branwen. She has seen Dave’s advertisement, so she wants to invite St David to go on a romantic St Dwynwen’s Day cruise with her, a little bit early.
– No, don’t, Jeff the cat says to her. – You don’t know what you’re doing.
– The cruise will be beautiful, says the Queen. – I’m really looking forward to it.
She takes St David down to the riverbank, where Dave the cat is waiting for them with the bucket.
– This cruise will be five pounds … thank you … now climb into this bucket, says Dave.
As soon as they have climbed in, she throws them in the river.
– Help! I can’t swim! says the Queen.
– Swimming lessons will cost you another five pounds, says Dave.