Mae Jeff y gath yn dod o hyd i daflen ar y llawr yn yr ardd. Hysbyseb yw e.
DYDD SANTES DWYNWENRhowch atgofion prydferth
i’ch cariadCysylltwch â Daf y gath
am ragor o wybodaeth
neu ail-ddarllen y daflen hon
– Daf? meddai Jeff.
– Ie?
– Rwyt ti ond yn mynd i wneud iddyn nhw ddringo i mewn i’r bwced, a’u taflu nhw i mewn i’r afon, on’d wyt?
– Ydw. Ond bydd cyfle i ni wneud bach o arian.
Mae Jeff yn rholio ei llygaid hi unwaith eto.
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Saesneg / English
Second Bucket Venture
Jeff the cat comes across a leaflet on the floor in the garden. It’s an advertisement.
Give your beloved
some beautiful memoriesContact Dave the cat
for more information
or re-read this leaflet
– Dave? says Jeff.
– Yes?
– You’re just going to make them climb in the bucket and throw them in the river, aren’t you?
– I am. But it’ll be a chance for us to make a bit of money.
Jeff rolls her eyes once again.