Mae Santes Dwynwen yn llefain. Mae hi wedi ei gorchuddio â chwstard, ac yn diferu’n drist. Mae hi wedi cael hen ddigon o gwstard cariad. Mae hi wedi cael hen ddigon o fod yn Santes. Mae hi wedi cael llond bola o bopeth. Mae hi eisiau mynd adre.
– Beth am i ni jyst cael un diod bellach yn y tafarn? gofynna Dewi Sant.
– JYST GADEWCH I FI FYND ADRE, wyla Santes Dwynwen.
– Dim ond un.
Mae Daf y gath yn ystyried beth i’w wneud.
– Dw i ddim yn hollol sicr, ond dw i’n meddwl bydden ni’n cael ein dosbarthu gartref pe tasen ni’n dringo’n ôl i mewn i’r blychau.
– Da iawn, Daf. Am ddyfais plot cyfleus, meddai Jeff y gath. – Ond beth am ddefnyddio’r bwced hwn?
Mae hi’n pwntio tuag at fwced du gerllaw.
– Basai’r bwced yn gyflymach, oni fasai?
Felly mae pawb yn dringo i mewn i’r bwced ac aros am y bennod nesaf.
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Saesneg / English

Santes Dwynwen is weeping. She is covered in custard, and dripping sadly. She’s had quite enough of love custard. She’s had quite enough of being a Saint. She’s fed up with everything. She wants to go home.
– Why don’t we just have one more drink in the pub? asks St David.
– JUST LET ME GO HOME, wails Saint Dwynwen.
– Just one.
Dave the cat is thinking about what to do.
– I’m not quite sure, but I think we would be delivered home if we were to climb back into the boxes.
– Very good, Dave. What a convenient plot device, says Jeff the cat. – But why not use this bucket?
She points towards a black bucket nearby.
– The bucket would be faster, wouldn’t it?
So everyone climbs into the bucket, and they wait for the next episode.