Cerddodd Daf y gath o gwmpas Dewi Sant. Roedd angen panel o’r sied er mwyn creu arfedigaeth ar gyfer ei throli siopa. Heb arfedigaeth, basai’n amhosib iddi gymryd drosodd y byd i gyd, a basai hi wedi methu ei adduned Blwyddyn Newydd.
Dewisodd panel neis iawn, yn agos at y drws. Ond, heb rybudd, ymddangosodd Dewi Sant.
– Be’ ti neud, Daf? meddai’r sant. – Ti’n skulko o gwmpas fel lleidr gyda’r nos.
– Ymm, dim byd, meddai Daf, a dechrau llyfu ei thraed yn ddiniwed.
Cwympodd Dewi Sant i lawr, wedi meddwi fel arfer, a dechrau chwyrnu a fflympo’n uchel iawn.
– ‘Na ni, mwmianodd Daf i’w hun.
Yr eiliad hon, cafodd Daf syniad. Beth am jyst dwyn yr holl sied i gyd? Roedd hi siwr o fod hyd yn oed yn yn gyflymach na’r troli. Symudodd Daf y roced o’r troli i mewn i’r sied a pharatoi ei cham nesaf.
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Saesneg / English
Dave the cat walked around Saint David’s shed. She needed a panel from the shed in order to make some armour for her shopping trolley. Without armour, it would be impossible for her to take over the whole world, and she would have failed her New Year’s resolution.
She chose a very nice panel, close to the door. But, without warning, Saint David appeared.
– What you doing, Dave? said the saint. – You’re skulking around like a thief at night.
– Umm, nothing, said Dave, and started to lick her feet innocently.
Saint David fell over, drunk as usual, and started snoring and farting loudly.
– There we go, murmured Dave to herself.
That moment, Dave had an idea. What about just stealing the whole shed altogether? It was sure to be even faster than the trolley. Dave moved the rocket from the trolley into the shed and prepared her next move.