Un tro, daeth rhywbeth od i fewn i’r ardd. Rownd, gwyrdd oedd e, â thentaclau ym mhobman.
– Helo, meddai’r peth. – Pla dw i.
– Dim heddi, diolch, meddai Daf y gath, a oedd yn llyfu ei draed. – Oni bai wyt ti’n gallu helpu clirio bach o le yn sied Dewi Sant. Ni’n disgwyl dosbarthiad o fwyd cathod.
– Ymm, meddai’r Pla. – Gadewch i ni weld.
Mwmianodd ryw fath o sbel hudolus, cyn i gwmwl o locustiaid ddisgyn a bwyta popeth a oedd tu fewn i sied Dewi Sant.
– ‘Na fe, meddai’r Pla.
– Am ddefnyddiol, meddai Daf.
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Saesneg / English
The Plague
One day, something strange came into the garden. It was round and green, with tentacles everywhere.
– Hello, said the thing. – I am a Plague.
– Not today, thank you, said Dave the cat, who was licking his feet. – Unless you can help clear a bit of space in St David’s shed. We are expecting a delivery of cat food.
– Umm, said the Plague. – Let’s see.
He muttered some kind of magic spell, before a cloud of locusts descended and ate everything inside St David’s shed.
– There you go, said the Plague.
– How useful, said Dave.