Un tro, roedd Daf y gath a’i ffrind Jeff yn gwylio Dewi Sant, wrth iddo agor potel arall o gwrw. Cwyno oedd Dewi Sant, fel arfer.
– Mae safon yr iaith fan hyn yn wael iawn, meddai, al ôl iddo lyncu llond ceg o’i ddiod. – Hoffwn i glywed mwy o iaith ffurfiol, grefyddol.
– O, Iesgob, na, ochneidiodd Daf, – Dim hwnna eto.
Yr eiliad honno, synnwyd bawb gan Keith y gwrden yn bloeddio nerth ei ben. Gwisgo siaced a throwsus du a choler cron oedd e. Edrychodd fel petasai wedi bod yn diferu.
– Diodydd! Ffecio! Tin! Rocesi! ebychodd mewn acen Gwyddelaidd cryf.
– Wel, dyna iaith grefyddol ichi, mewn ffordd, meddai Jeff.
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Saesneg / English
Linguistic Standards
One day, Dave the cat and his friend Jeff were watching Saint David, as he opened another bottle of beer. Saint David was complaining, as usual.
– The standard of the language round here is really poor, he said, after swallowing a mouthful of his drink. I would like to hear more formal, religious language.
– O, Jesus, no, sighed Dave, – Not that again.
That moment, everyone was surprised by Keith the gourd shouting at the top of his voice. He was wearing black trousers, a black jacket, and a dog collar. He looked as though he had been leaking.
– Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls! he exclaimed, in a strong Irish accent.
– Well, that’s some religious language for you, in a way, said Jeff.