Pan gyrraeddodd Jeff y gath ei chyfweliad am ddod yn weithredydd peiriant cwstard, sylweddolodd bod rhywbeth o’i le. Roedd Santes Dwynwen yn eistedd tu ôl i fwrdd gerllaw sied Dewi Sant ynghyd â Keith y gwrden, Draig y ci, a Mistar Penglog. Ar y bwrdd oedd hefyd darn o bren.
– Ymddiheuriadau, meddai Santes Dwynwen.
– Ymddiheuriadau? gofynnodd Jeff. – Pam?
– O’n i wedi paratoi blwch cardbord i chi ddangos eich sgiliau yn ei droi e’n beiriant cwstard, ond cyn gynted â’r ymgeisydd arall weld y peth, nath e neidio i mewn iddo fe a’i yrru bant.
Rowliodd Jeff ei llygaid.
– Daf, meddai hi, gydag ochenaid.
– Helo, meddai’r darn o bren yn ddihuno. – Darn o bren dw i.
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Saesneg / English
When Jeff the cat arrived at her interview to become a custard machine operator, she realised something was wrong. St Dwynwen was sitting behind a table by St David’s shed along with Keith the gourd, Dragon the dog, and Mr. Skull. On the table was also a piece of wood.
– Apologies, said Saint Dwynwen.
– Apologies? asked Jeff. – Why?
– I had prepared a cardboard box for you to show your skills in turning it into a custard machine, but as soon as the other candidate saw it, he jumped into it and drove it away.
Jeff rolled her eyes.
– Dave, she said, with a sigh.
– Hello, said the piece of wood, waking up. – I’m a piece of wood.