Parhâi Jeff i weithio ar ei CV hi.
Sgiliau ac ansoddau hanfodol
Gryf iawn am gyfathrebu mewn ffyrdd sydd yn addas i’w chynulleidfa – gan amla i berswadio’r staff, neu Dewi Sant, i’w bwydo.
Da iawn am floeddio er mwyn tynnu sylw, yn enwedig gyda meicroffon.
Gweithredydd hyderus o ran hela.
Meddyliwr cryf a chreadigol o ran gysyniadau sydd yn berthnasol i hela neu ddwyn bwyd.
7 mlynedd o brofiad lladrad, yn gynnwys 6 mlynedd a hanner o brofiad o ladradd oddi wrth Daf.
Steil arweiniad agored a diddordeb mawr mewn datblygu sgiliau ac ymddygiadau proffesiynol cathod eraill trwy fentora a’u taro gyda darn o bren.
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English / Saesneg
Jeff’s Skills and Key Attributes
Jeff carried on working on her CV.
Skills and Key Attributes
Very strong communication in ways which are suitable to her audience, most often in persuading the staff, or Saint David, to feed her.
Very good at shouting to get attention, especially with a microphone.
Confident operator with regard to hunting.
Strong and creative thinker in contexts with regard to contexts related to hunting or stealing food.
7 years’ experience of theft, including six and a half years of theft from Dave.
Open leadership style and a great interest in developing the skills and professional behaviours of other cats through mentoring and hitting them with a piece of wood.