Un tro, roedd Dewi Sant wedi penderfynu trefnu arddangosfa tân gwyllt. Nid oes Daf y gath yn hapus o gwbl. Byddai’r pethau erchyll yn gwneud iddo neidio allan o’i groen. Roedd e wedi bygwth Dewi Sant y byddai’n ysgrifennu i’r esgob a’i wahoddi am ymweliad eto, ond fyddai ddim byd yn rhwystro Dewi rhag ei gynllun.

– Mae syniad da ‘da fi, meddai Jeff y gath, a oedd newydd orffen ei seithfed brecwast.
– Be’? gofynnodd Daf.
– Dwed wrtho fe bod hi’n iawn iddo fe gael arddangosfa tân gwyllt, ond rhaid iddo fe wneud hi tu fewn i’w sied.
– Ti’n athrylithydd, cytunodd Daf.

Roedd Dewi Sant i’w weld yn paratoi. Hoeliodd sawl olwyn Santes Catrin i’r wal, ac yr oedd casgliad argraffol o rocedi ar ei gadair. O’r diwedd, roedd e’n barod.

– Pob lwc, meddai Daf, gan gloi drws y sied. Rhedodd pawb i ffwrdd cyn belled â phosib.

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Saesneg / English


One day, St David had decided to organise a fireworks display. Dave the cat was not happy at all. The horrible things would make him jump out of his skin. He had threatened St David that he would write to the bishop and invite him to visit again, but nothing would deter Saint David from his plan.

– I’ve got a good idea, said Jeff the cat, who had just finished her seventh breakfast.
– What? asked Dave.
– Tell him it’s OK for him to have a fireworks display, but he has to do it inside his shed.
– You’re a genius, Dave agreed.

St David was to be seen preparing. Several Catherine wheels were nailed to the wall, and there was an impressive collection of rockets on his chair. Finally, he was ready.

– Best of luck, said Dave, locking the door of the shed. Everyone ran away as far as possible.


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