Nid oedd Jeff y gath yn hapus. Roedd Dewi Sant wedi awgrymu torri ei arboretwm i lawr, er mwyn adeiladu estyniad arall i’w sied.
– So hynny’n mynd i neud fawr o lles i’r amgylchedd, meddai hi.
– Ti isie rhywle i gadw dy fwyd cathod i gyd neu beidio? atebodd Dewi Sant, yn tanio ffag.
– Odw, meddai Jeff.
– Wel gad lonydd imi neud e ‘te.
Estynodd Dewi Sant am gyllell.
– Ti’n ymwybodol y dim ond potyn o chwyn yw “Arboretwm” Jeff? goffynnodd Daf.
– O, meddai’r sant, gan torri’r arboretwm i lawr beth bynnag.
Rowliodd Keith y gwrden heibio, heb ddweud yr un gair.
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Saesneg / English
Jeff the cat was not happy. Saint David had suggested cutting her arboretum down, in order to build another extension to his shed.
– This isn’t going to do the environment much good, she said.
– You want somewhere to keep all your cat food or not? replied Saint David, lighting a fag.
– Yes, said Jeff.
– Well, let me get on with it then.
Saint David reached for a knife.
– You’re aware that Jeff’s “arboretum” is just a pot of weeds? asked Dave.
– O, said the saint, while cutting down the arboretum anyway.
Keith the gourd rolled past without saying a word.