Hyfforddiant Santes Dwynwen

I ffwrdd o’r ardd, roedd Santes Dwynwen yn derbyn ei hyfforddiant ar hylifau hudolus gan angylion yr ardal. Eistedd mewn dosbarth yr oedd hi, gyda sawl gwrach, brenin o dramor, ac arth anferth o’r enw Mordey. Roedd golwg dychrynllyd ar yr ardd, ond oedd e’n gweithio’n dawel ar ei destiwbiau a cynhwysodd rhywbeth gwyrdd, drewllyd.

– Reit, meddai’r angel a oedd yn arwain y sesiwn. – Dw i am i chi edrych ar hwn.
Ymgasglodd y myfyrwyr o gwmpas ei ddesg. Tanodd yr angel llosgyr Bynsen, a’i roi o dan bicer gwydr llawn o ddŵr. Ychwanegodd powdr coch ato. Yn sydyn, llenwyd yr awyr gan ddelweddau o galonnau pinc, prydferth. Clapiodd y myfyrwyr mewn edmygedd.
– Mae’r powdrau a geiriau’r swyn draw fan yna. Ceisiwch eich hunain, meddai’r angel.

Ychwanegodd Mordey powdr brown at ei ficer. Llenwyd yr awyr gan ddelweddau o bysgod brown.
– Bron, meddai’r angel.

Ychwanegodd Santes Dwynwen powdr melyn at ei bicer, a frwydrodd a gorchuddio popeth â chwstard.
– Mae dawn… arbennig gyda chi, meddai’r angel, yn llyfu ei wefusau yn iasaidd.

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Saesneg / English

Saint Dwynwen’s Training

Away from the garden, Saint Dwynwen was receiving her training on magic potions from the angels of the area. She was sitting in a classroom, with several witches, a king from overseas, and an enormous bear named Mordey. The bear looked scary, but he was working quietly on his test tubes which contained something green and stinky.

– Right, said the angel who was leading the session. – I want you to watch this.
The students gathered around his desk. The angel lit a Bunsen burner, and put it under a beaker full of water. He added a red powder to it. Suddenly, the air was filled with images of beautiful pink hearts. The students clapped in admiration.

– The powders and the words of the spell are over there. Try it yourselves, said the angel.

Mordey the bear added a brown powder to his beaker. The air was filled with images of brown fish.
– Almost, said the angel.

Saint Dwynwen added a yellow powder to her beaker, which exploded and covered everything with custard.
– You have a… special gift, said the angel, licking his lips creepily.


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