Ail Lythyr Dewi Sant at y Corinthiaid

Annwyl Corinthiaid,

Daeth yr esgob draw fan hyn wythnos diwetha, yr hen ynfytyn. Yn anffodus mae hynny yn golygu y bydd rhaid imi ail-wneud y plymio trwy’r sied yn gyfan gwbl. Fyddet ti ddim yn dychmygu y gallai coludd un dyn yn achosi cymaint o lwgr, a phan ddechreuodd popeth ollwng – ond byddai’n well imi beidio parhau, efallai.

Felly, os oes rhif ffôn plymiwr da gyda chi, buaswn yn ddiolchgar tasech yn ei anfon ataf. A peidiwch ag anghofio’r bwyd cathod.

Sut mae traed Sioned nawr?

Dymuniadau gorau,
Dewi Sant x

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Dear Corinthians,

The bishop came over here last week, the old fool. Unfortunately that means I will have to completely re-do the plumbing throughout the shed. You couldn’t imagine that one man’s intestines could cause so much havoc, and when everything started leaking – but perhaps it would be better for me not to continue.

So, if you have the phone number of a good plumber, I would be grateful if you would send it to me. And don’t forget the cat food.

By the way, how are Sioned’s feet now?

Best wishes,
Saint David x


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