Un tro, roedd prinder tanwydd. Roedd Daf y gath yn methu gwneud ei ddosbarthiadau, achos nad oedd gyda fe betrol ar gyfer ei fan.

Oherwydd y diffyg dosbarthiadau, doedd dim powdr cwstard ar gael.

Oherwydd y prinder powdr cwstard, nid oedd santes Dwynwen yn gallu gwneud cwstard cariad.

Oherwydd y prinder cwstard cariad, nid oedd cariad.

Oherwydd y diffyg cariad, roedd pawb yn anobeithgar.

– Mae’r hyn fel y gân am yr hen fenyw nâth llyncu cleren, meddai Jeff.
– Sdim clêr i gâl, meddai Daf, yn ddiobaith.

Roedd Franz Kafka’n hapus iawn, achos ei fod e’n hoff iawn o dostur. Aeth e guddio tu ôl i goeden.

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Saesneg / English


One day, there was a fuel shortage. Dave the cat was unable to make his deliveries, as he didn’t have fuel for his van.

Because of the lack of deliveries, there was no custard powder available.

Because of the shortage of custard powder, Santes Dwynwen was unable to make love custard.

Because of the shortage of love custard, there was no love.

Because of the lack of love, everyone was without hope.

– This is like the song about the old woman who swallowed a fly, said Jeff.
– There are no flies to be had, said Dave, hopelessly.

Franz Kafka was very happy, because he liked misery a lot. He went to hide behind a tree.


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