Ar ôl i Gor Meibion Ffosgoch ddinistrio’r gât, cynhaliodd Daf a Jeff gyfarfod gyda phawb yn yr ardd, er mwyn penderfynu beth i’w wneud am y drygioni mawr hwn. Arllwysodd Dewi Sant diod cryf, a thanio sigaret, cyn cwympo yn ôl i gysgu. Siarad ymysg eu gilydd yr oedd Pwyllgor Piwritanaidd y Tatws tan i’r Prifdaten clirio ei wddf.
– Oes agenda gyda ni? meddai’r Prifdaten.
– Wel, nac oes, meddai Daf, – we fi’n meddwl bydden ni’n jyst câl sgwrs bach.
– Rhaid i ni gael agenda.
– Oes cadeirydd gyda ni? meddai’r Prifdaten.
– Wel, nac oes, meddai Daf, – we fi’n meddwl bydden ni’n jyst câl sgwrs bach.
– Rhaid i ni ddewis cadeirydd. Fi fydd y cadeirydd, yn amlwg.
– Iawn, meddai Daf, heb ddiddordeb, a dechrau llyfu ei goes.
– Gall Santes Dwynwen fod yr ysgrifennydd, meddai’r Prifdaten.
– Secsist, meddai Daf.
– Rydych chi eisiau’r swydd?
– Gall Santes Dwynwen fod yr ysgrifennydd, meddai Daf.
Dair awr yn ddiweddarach, roedd pawb yn cysgu’n sownd, heblaw am y Prifdaten, a oedd nawr yn gwneud proclamasiynau amrwyiol am bopeth i’w gynulliad amwybodol.
Dihunodd y Frenhines Branwen a dinistrio’r stori, a ddaeth i’w ddiwedd, o’r diwedd.
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Saesneg / English
The Meeting
After the Ffosgoch Male Voice Choir destroyed the gate, Dave and Jeff convened a meeting with everyone in the garden, in order to decide what to do about this great evil. Saint David poured a strong drink, and lit a cigarette, before going back to sleep. The Puritanical Potato Committee were talking among themselves until the Prime Potato cleared his throat.
– Do we have an agenda? said the Prime Potato.
– Well no, said Dave. – I was just thinking we’d have a bit of a chat.
– We must have an agenda.
– Do we have a chairman? said the Prime Potato.
– Well no, said Dave. – I was just thinking we’d have a bit of a chat.
– We need to choose a chairman. I will be the chairman, obviously.
– OK, said Dave, without interest, and started licking his leg.
– Saint Dwynwen can be the secretary, said the Prime Potato.
– Sexist, said Dave.
– Do you want the job?
– Saint Dwynwen can be the secretary, said Dave.
Three hours later, everyone was sleeping soundly, apart from the Prime Potato, who was now making various proclamations about everything to his unconscious audience.
Queen Branwen awoke, and destroyed the story, which came to an end at last.