Ymweliad Cyntaf Cor Meibion Ffosgoch

Tawel oedd popeth yn yr ardd. Roedd Dewi Sant yn chwyrnu yn ei babell newydd, a oedd e wedi gwneud o hen ddillad Santes Dwynwen. Roedd hi’n hollol noeth, yn cysgu’n sownd ar y glaswellt ar ei ochr, ac yn breudwyddio am lyn anferth o gwstard. Roedd Daf y gath a’i ffrind Jeff yn darhuno’n ysgafn, ochr yn ochr, tu fewn i fan newydd Daf, er mwyn iddynt amddiffyn y nwyddau yr oedd angen ar Daf ddosbarthu.

Yn sydyn, daeth sŵn ofnadwy o uchel.

– CALON LÂN YN LLAWN DAIONI, gweiddiodd rhywbeth anferth, yn agosàu.
Agorodd Daf ei lygaid.
– O na, meddai.

Cafodd y gât ei chwilfriwo yn deilchion, wrth i Gor Meibion Ffosgoch ymddangos, ar gefn beic modur pwerus. Roedd e wedi trefnu ei hunan arno yn ofalus iawn.

– TECHACH YW NA’R LILI DLOS, bloediodd y Cor Meibion, wrth iddo yrru dros babell Dewi Sant.
– Ni’n ffodus bo’ nhw’n anfarwol, meddyliodd Daf,  – neu fyddai rhaid i ni ffeindio mwy o gymeriadau.

Erbyn hyn, roedd Jeff wedi cael ei dihuno gan y berw gwyllt.
– Jeff, i’r trebuchet, glou! meddai Daf.

Tynnodd Jeff y rhaff, tra lwyddodd Daf i lwytho Cor Meibion Ffosgoch i fewn i fasged y trebuchet.
– Bant â ni, meddai Daf.
Rhyddhaodd Jeff y rhaff, a gwnaeth y peiriant ei stwff. Hedfanodd Cor Meibion Ffosgoch trwy’r awyr mewn arc deleithus, cyn iddo lanio mewn gardd arall, sawl stryd i ffwrdd.

– Gâd i hwnna fod yn wers i ti, meddai Daf.
Gadawodd Cor Meibion Ffosgoch i hwnna fod yn wers iddynt. Am y tro.

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Everything in the garden was quiet. Saint David was snoring in his new tent, which he had made out of Saint Dwynwen’s old clothes. She was completely naked, sleeping soundly on the grass by his side, and dreaming about an enormous lake of custard. Dave the cat and his friend were snoozing lightly, side by side, inside Dave’s new van, in order to protect the goods that Dave needed to deliver.

Suddenly there came a terribly loud noise.

– CALON LÂN YN LLAWN DAIONI, shouted something enormous that was approaching.
Dave opened his eyes.
– O no, he said.

The gate was shattered into pieces, as the Ffosgoch Male Voice Choir appeared, on the back of a powerful motorbike. It had arranged itself on it very carefully.

– TECHACH YW NA’R LILI DLOS, bellowed the Male Voice Choir, as it drove over Saint David’s tent.
– We’re lucky they’re immortal, thought Dave,  – or we would have to find some new characters.

By now, Jeff had been woken by the uproar.
– Jeff, to the trebuchet, quick! said Dave.

Jeff pulled the rope, while Dave succeeded in loading the Ffosgoch Male Voice Choir into the trebuchet’s basket.
– Off we go, said Dave.
Jeff released the rope, and the machine did its stuff. The Ffosgoch Male Voice Choir flew through the air in a pleasing arc, before landing in another garden several streets away.

– Let that be a lesson to you, said Dave.
The Ffosgoch Male Voice Choir let that be a lesson to it. For now.


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