– Rhan ola o’r stori yw hwn, meddai Daf y gath. – Well i ni neud rhywbeth nodedig.
– Fi’n gwbod, atebiodd Jeff y gath, ond dw i ‘di cael fy nhroi ‘nôl mewn gath yn barod gan y ffrwydrad.
– Am gyfleus.
– Felly, sdim byd i’w neud.
– Na, sdim byd i’w neud.
– Gadewch i ni fynd.
– So ni’n gallu.
– Pam lai?
– Ni’n aros am Dewi Sant.
Aeth Dewi Sant heibio, yn canu cân am sanau Santes Dwynwen nerth ei ben. Ailymddangosodd yr het-fadarchen, a dringo yn ôl ar ben Jeff.
– Fy het! Mae hapusrwydd yn codi ac yn troi yn wir rhywbryd, meddai Jeff.
Oediodd y ddwy gath.
– Bydd rhaid i ‘ny neud y tro, meddai Daf, a chwympo i gysgu.
Daeth y stori i’w diwedd, o’r diwedd.
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– This is the last part of the story, said Dave the cat, – we’d better do something impressive.
– I know, answered Jeff, but I’ve already been turned back into a cat by the explosion.
– How convenient.
– So, there’s nothing to be done.
– No, there’s nothing to be done.
– Let’s go.
– We can’t.
– Why not?
– We’re waiting for Saint David.
Saint David went past, singing a song about Saint Dwynwen’s socks at the top of his voice. The hat-mushroom reappeared, and climbed back onto Jeff’s head.
– My hat! Happiness rises and becomes true sometimes, said Jeff.
The two cats paused.
– That’ll have to do, said Dave, and fell asleep.
The story came to an end, at last.