Het Jeff – rhan 3

Ar ôl i Jeff gael ei droi yn het fowliwr, aeth Daf y gath i weld Dewi Sant, a oedd yn smygu y tu allan i’w sied.

– Allet ti’n helpu fi droi Jeff nôl mewn gath?
Pendronodd y Sant am eiliad.
– Galla i. Gweiddiwn.
– On’d y’ch chi’n meddwl “Gweddiwn”? gofynnodd Daf.
– Nadw. Gweiddiwn.

Felly, gwaeddasant ar y madarch, a chiliodd i fewn i’r ddaear.

Gwaeddasant ar Dragon y ci, a daeth yn drist achos bachgen da’r oedd e.

Gwaeddasant ar Santes Dwynwen, a gollyngodd ei chwstard.

Gwaeddasant ar Bwyllgor Piwritanaidd y Tatws, a datganodd rhyfel ormes ar y riwbob.

– Wel, dyna lot o hwyl, meddai Dewi Sant.
– So ‘ny ‘di gweithio, meddai Daf, yn edrych ar Jeff, a oedd yn dal yn het.

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After Jeff was turned into a bowler hat, Dave the cat went to see Saint David, who was smoking outside his shed.

– Could you help me turn Jeff back into a cat?

The saint pondered for a second.
– I can. Let us shout.
– Don’t you mean “Let us pray”? asked Dave.
– No, I don’t. Let us shout.

So, they shouted at the mushrooms, who withdrew into the ground.

They shouted at Dragon the dog, who became sad because he was a good boy.

They shouted at Saint Dwynwen, who dropped her custard.

They shouted at the Puritanical Potato Committee, who declared a war of oppression on the rhubarb.

– Well, that was a lot of fun, said Saint David.
– That hasn’t worked, said Dave, looking at Jeff, who was still a hat.



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